LAG Management


Smart house Martjanci is the leading partner of the Local Action Group LAG Goričko 2020.

Name of the activity: Support for ongoing costs and animation costs within the Local Action Group of LAG Goričko 2020.

Description: Support from the sub-measure “Support for current costs and animation costs” (sub-measure 19.4) is intended for the co-financing of costs incurred in the management and operation of LAG, including monitoring and evaluation of SLR, animation of the LAG area and assistance to potential beneficiaries for the development of project ideas and preparation of operations.

Objective: Promotion and informing the public:

  • on current issues related to LAG,
  • on public calls by LAG,
  • on operations in progress,
  • on documentation related to the correct execution of operations,
  • about innovations in the LAG area.


Expected results: Animation of the area or community involvement in the LAG Goričko area:

  • to identify needs in the LAG area,
  • in the implementation of project activities within the framework of operations,
  • to achieve the indicators set in the Local Development Strategy,
  • to the steady development of the LAG area.


Summary: CLLD (Community Led Local Development) is an upgrade of the previously known LEADER approach, which has proven to be a successful method of development planning and implementation of operations at the EU level. The “bottom-up” approach enables the local population to actively decide on the priorities and development goals of the local area, including the sources of financing for achieving the goals of the local area, by forming local partnerships of so-called local action groups (LAG). The approach enables the implementation of a wide range of challenges in different environments, greater flexibility in achieving goals and responds to the actual needs of the local area. In the European Union, the LEADER approach has been in place since 1991, while in Slovenia this approach began with the 2007-2013 program period. LEADER measures were implemented on 95% of the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. More than 1,400 projects were approved.


CLLD facts:

  • It is an approach/method which, as a novelty in the 2014-2020 programming period, the European Commission offered to the member states for implementation.
  • Enables development challenges to be solved with the help of multiplier effects when connecting measures and resources from several structural funds at the same time.
  • CLLD is implemented through the newly formed LAG.
  • The challenge of the CLLD approach is to accelerate the development of rural areas in particular through joint action, thus creating opportunities for the creation of new jobs, a higher quality of life, better accessibility and, last but not least, for the preservation of cultural and landscape characteristics and the management of demographic changes.
  • In the programming period 2014-2020, the use of the CLLD approach is envisaged for three funds, namely the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


Thematic areas of action:

  1. Creation of new jobs
  2. Basic services in rural areas
  3. Environmental protection
  4. Greater involvement of young people, women and other vulnerable groups in rural areas.


The implementation of CLLD is determined by the Regulation on the implementation of community-led local development in the program period 2014-2020 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 42/15, 28/16 and 73/16). The goal of CLLD is the promotion of social inclusion and the fight against poverty and any kind of discrimination, the reduction of regional development differences and the economic development of areas. In addition, the goal is to contribute to the preservation of nature, protection of the environment, cultural heritage, cultural landscape and its elements.” CLLD enables the local population to connect with each other in the so-called local action groups (LAS) and through them actively decide on the priorities and development goals of the local area, including sources of financing for achieving the goals of the local area. For this purpose, LAG prepares and implements a local development strategy based on the social, environmental and economic advantages and endogenous development potential of the area. Such an approach enables the implementation of a wide range of challenges in different environments, greater flexibility in achieving goals and responds to the actual needs of the local area.

By combining different funding sources, CLLD enables LAG to carry out comprehensive and more complex operations, which are not strictly limited to rural areas, but also include fishing and urban settlements. This kind of approach is much more holistic and, as a result, affects the more successful implementation of local needs. Access to funds from various funds enables local partnerships to pay more attention to those areas and issues that would otherwise be difficult to address.

You can read more about the CLLD instrument at:

Source of co-financing: For the implementation of the sub-measure “Support for running costs and animation costs”, LAG Goričko 2020 is entitled to a maximum of EUR 515,931.00 and is allocated from the EAFRD main fund.

The local action group LAG Goričko 2020, represented by the leading partner Bistra hiša Martjanci – Smart House Martjanci, is responsible for the content on the LAG Goričko 2020 website. The managing authority for the implementation of the Rural Development Program of the Republic of Slovenia for the period 2014-2020 is the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food.