

Bistra hiša Martjanci – Smart House Martjanci is the leading partner of the Local Action Group “Goričko” in the program period 2014-2020, the LEADER program, ESKRP and thus also the holder and leading manager of the Local Development Strategy LAS Goričko 2020 for the program period 2014-2020. This year, it is starting to prepare a new strategy for the period 2021-2027, and it has already been given the mandate of leading partner.

In the past period, Bistra hiša was the leading partner of the Local Action Group of LAS PDL, namely in the program period 2007-2013, the LEADER program, ESKRP.

It also participated in many EU projects as a partner.

Cooperation projects within LAG GORIČKO can be found HERE.

In the list below, mainly EU projects are listed, divided according to different areas/priorities.



  1. IMPACT (project partner; Interreg Slovenia – Austria 2007 – 2013): Improving health and social institutions by activating available technologies. The aim of the IMPACT project is to support and encourage the development of services and competences and the cooperation of actors through the exchange of experience, benchmarking and knowledge transfer. This is primarily through direct pilot activities and coordinated joint planning to achieve future goals.
  2. Improving employment opportunities for marginal social groups in the area of Goričko and Ravensko (RRA Mura – NRS 2005)



  1. Remote work / Telework (project partner; MDDSZ and Phare program): Introduction of remote work in the region; promotion and acceleration of the introduction of new forms of employment in the region.
  2. Goričko and Ravensko – Pomurje pilot e-region (RRA Mura – NRS 2005): Creation of foundations for the establishment of a pilot e-region.
  3. Computer literate for employment (PHARE Program, MŠŠ): Participation in the preparation and implementation of e-learning; computer training of the unemployed (600 involved).
  4. Installation or upgrading of public e-points with wireless access (national program): Installation of public e-points with wireless access in rural areas.



  1. Pomurje – the land of health and friendly people (RRA Mura – NRS 2004): Promotion of Pomurje as a spa tourist destination; making a study of the network of thematic and recreational routes in Pomurje.
  2. Pomurje – the land of health and friendly people (RRA Mura – NRS 2004): Promotion of healthy food and a healthy lifestyle; implementation of 20 promotional and motivational and learning/educational workshops “healthy food – development opportunity” and 5 pilot training workshops.



  1. New economic opportunities in the countryside (Municipality of Moravske Toplice – JES): Preparation of studies on new economic opportunities for the project.
  2. New partnerships along the border (project partner; PHARE Program, SMP): Implementation of training for the preparation and implementation of projects; training of local communities and development institutions for project management.



  1. Lifelong learning – the way to the future (RA Sinergija – Human resources): Preparation of programs for the project “Lifelong learning – the way to the future”.



  1. NIMSEC (project partner; IEE program, 2006 – 2009): A new and integrated model for sustainable energy communities was intended to bridge the gap between policy documents and the implementation of concrete projects in the field of efficiency and renewable energy sources at the local level.
  2. BioFuture (leading partner; Interreg Slovenia – Hungary 2007 – 2013): The purpose of the project “Cross-border demonstration and learning center for bioconstruction and bioliving – BioFuture” is to show the advantages of using renewable energy sources and natural material cycles in the environment for construction and living. On this basis, experts in the field of renewable energy sources and bioengineering were trained in certain institutions and organizations.
  3. Spa Rimska čarda (M. Toplice municipality – NRS 2004): Creation of a study – “energy cascade” project – staged use of geothermal water / energy.
  4. EKOPLAN – cross-border waste management planning (project partner; Interreg IIIA Program 2000-2006): Cooperation in the preparation of situation analysis and studies; cross-border cooperation was established in the field of environmental technologies and especially waste management.
  5. RESINBUIL (external expert; IEE program): Presentation of renewable energy sources and the construction sector; the main goal of the project was to promote the use of solar energy and biomass for the installation of modern systems of renewable energy sources in buildings. One of the more visible results of this project is also a free permanent exhibition on the operation diagram of renewable energy systems, which was set up by the Development Agency Sinergija in cooperation with Technology Clusters – clusters of installers and energy providers.
  6. MODEL (external expert; IEE program): Management of energy sectors in local authorities; the MODEL project encouraged local residents to become role models for their citizens and key local actors in the field of energy efficiency. The renovated building Bistra hiša – Smart house Martjanci was presented in this project as an example of good practice in the Municipality of Moravske Toplice.


The institute’s experience covers the following areas (references):

  • new technologies:

Implementation of activities of phase I and II of the project Goričko and Ravensko – Pomurje pilot e-region (*Development of a strategy and implementation plan for the establishment of a pilot e-region)

  • TV production

Services of recording, production and realization of TV shows

  • rural development:

Preparation of studies on new economic opportunities for the project “New economic opportunities in the countryside”

  • education:

Preparation of training programs for the project “Lifelong learning – the way for the future”

  • efficient use of energy and use of renewable energy sources:

Preparation of the study – “energy cascade” project – gradual use of geothermal water / energy within the “Spa Rimska čarda” project

  • tourism:

Implementation of activities III. phases of the sub-project Promotion of Pomurje as a spa tourist destination, within the framework of the project Pomurje – land of health and friendly people (*Development of a study of the network of thematic and recreational routes in Pomurje)

  • healthy life / healthy lifestyle:

Implementation of activities II. phases of the sub-project Promotion of healthy food and a healthy lifestyle, within the framework of the Pomurje – land of health and friendly people project (* implementation of promotional and motivational and learning/educational workshops “healthy food – development opportunity” = 20 animation workshops + 5 pilot training workshops)

  • Establishment of the Local Action Group At the good people



References of Institute Smart House Martjanci