Empowerment of the stakeholders in the implementation of the Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources in term of energy storages and energy networks stability
Start Date: 01/01/2024
End Date: 30/06/2026
Total Budget in €: 2.508.094,99
Interreg Budget in €: 2.006.475,99
Programme: Danube Region Programme
Programme Priority: A greener, low-carbon Danube Region
Programme Specific Objective 2.1: Support greening the energy and transport sectors in the Danube Region by enhancing the integration of renewable energy sources
Lead Partner Organisation: Local energy agency Pomurje (Slovenia)
ESINERGY project aims to solve one of the key issues in modern energy technology, this is to manage the imbalance between the generated power and the load into the electrical network, which is not adequate for the forthcoming needs such as rising consumption, energy demand etc.
Project will introduce the pilot approaches to reduce the peak loads directly in electrical networks, so that the producers could use the energy for own purposes (heat pumps, energy storages, charging stations, energy communities which can balance quite well differences of generation and demand) and support self-supply. Afterwards, the policy planning referring to peak loads will be improved through transnational strategy so that the measures could be replicated in other areas.
Project Specific Objectives:
- Reducing the peak loads by pilot actions
The specific objective aims to make the regions greener and energy independent by introducing the pilot action measures based on the different approaches for reduction of the energy feed-in the electrical network, to reduce peak loads by energy prosumers, maximize the performance of their PV systems, and achieve energy independence on the basis of several included pilots from the various sectors that use renewable energy sources.
- Transnational strategy for reduction of peak loads and the correct implementation of the Directive
Development of the joint strategy and action plan (Master plan) for better managing and implementation of the approaches for reduction of the energy feed-in and rightful implementation of the Directive based on the pilot actions.
- Transferring of the results and policy support activities
Improving national, regional and local energy planning for enhanced governance by adoption of the strategy and action plan while transferring the solutions in the new areas. Additionally, the objective is also to propose the solutions based on executed and tested pilot activities that stakeholders and target groups can accept and replicate in their own environments.
Project Outputs:
1.1. Cooperating institutions supporting for the peaks load reduction
1.2. Pilot approaches to optimize the peak loads and boost the energy independency
2.1. Transnational Master plan for decreasing the peak loads in electrical networks
3.1. Policy brief solution set-up for better managing and optimising the peak loads and proper Directive implementation.
Project Partners:
- Local energy agency Pomurje, Slovenia
- Smart house, institution for research and sustainable development Martjanci, Slovenia
- Medjimurje Energy Agency Ltd., Croatia
- Medjimurje County, Croatia
- Energy and Innovation Centre of Weiz, Austria
- A.U.M. Consult GmbH, Germany
- Electricity Company Hindelang, Germany
- IMRO-DDKK Nonprofit Ltd., Hungary
- Zala County Self-Government, Hungary
- Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
- Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities, Bulgaria
- Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation, Romania
- RARIS – Regional Development Agency Eastern Serbia, Serbia
- Sarajevo economic regional development agency, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Environmental Protection Fund of Montenegro, Montenegro
- Association “Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine”, Ukraine.